In my experience, most changes, the important ones, the ones that stick, happen slowly, like the gradual transformation of the leaves in autumn.
Unlike trees, people often resist change, fearful that the future might somehow be more difficult and painful than the present. “Better the problem you know than the problem you don’t know,” warns a nagging voice in your head. This warning, fed by past disappointments and heartaches, may cause you to cling to what is no longer useful, hindering your ability to embrace new possibilities.
The truth is that you control your attitude, and your attitude determines how you view not only what happens to you, but also your self-confidence and your general outlook on life. Simply put, if you think you can’t change your situation, you’re right.
But this is not God’s plan for you. His plan is to give a future and a hope. That sounds simple, and it is–if you are willing to open His gift.
Opening gifts is normally easy, because you trust the giver. Trusting that God loves you and wants the best for you requires a leap of faith. Most of the time, exercising faith is simple. You sit in a chair and expect it to hold your weight. You turn a doorknob and expect the door to open. But acts of faith involving the heart seem complicated, especially when you don’t know how you will be received or what will be required of you.
Carly Lawrence, the heroine of Scarlet Tears, believes God couldn’t possibly love her, after all she has done. Trapped in a life she never wanted, can she find the courage to accept God’s gift of forgiveness and grace?
Order this life-changing, inspiring romance today.
Hi Laura looks great!